Plug-Back is a prerequsite for Plug-Front and therefore have to be installed first.
For load balancing and failover we may install more then one Plug-Back and Plug-Front.
The first Plug-Back installation must be started with -init
argument for generating encryption key, additional Plug-Back installations should be started having environments variables for connection setup to download configuration from an already running Plug-Back (cluster_nodes).
Nginx is a prerequisite for Plug-Front and having both running on the same server will give best performance. In general, any reverse proxy server (nginx, traefik, ambassador, istio, envoy, etc) that supports forward/external authentication could be used by Plug-Front.
Plug-Front and Plug-Back could be running on the same server, but the preferred setup is having Plug-Front in the DMZ and Plug-Back in the internal zone.
In terms of firewall openings, default ports are:
Nginx ==TCP/9090==> Plug-Front
Plug-Front ==TCP/9091==> Plug-Back
Plug-Back <==TCP/9092==> Plug-Back (cluster_nodes)
Plug-Back Primary
Plug-Back primary installation must use the -init
argument for regenerating encryption key. Also note that passwords and secrets in configuration file must be clear text and will become encypted on startup.
- mkdir /opt/plugsso
- mkdir /opt/plugsso/plug-back
- copy the plug-back binary to /opt/plugsso/plug-back
- chmod 755 /opt/plugsso/plug-back/plug-back
- cd /opt/plugsso/plug-back
- If we do have a configuration file to be used, this file could now be copied to /opt/plugsso/plug-back/config/config.yaml
- Start the Plug-Back primary installation:
./plug-back -init
- Enter “y” on the Continue warning for regenerating new encryption key in database db/plugsso.db
- If no configuration file found, a default example configuration config/config.yaml will be created, but startup fails because of missing plugback.password
- Configure the config/config.yaml file according to your needs.
must be defined and will be used by Plug-Front and Plug-Back cluster nodes for connection.plugback.cluster_nodes
configuration must contain the ip-address or fqdn of this plug-back server (note, all remote plug-front and plug-back servers must be able to connect hosts defined in cluster_nodes). Plug-Front and other Plug-Back servers will be using this ip/fqdn for connections on port 9091/9092. - Start Plug-Back: /opt/plugsso/plug-back/plug-back
Note, configuration in provided config/config.yaml is just an example that can be used if we are using the nginx example shown in the Configuration description for Nginx (or found at plugin-front in the file config/examples/nginx.conf). plugback password and cluster_nodes must be set. Misc oauth.config.client_id and client_secret cannot be empty and must be set to something to avoid plug-front startup failure. For been able to authenticate misc fqdn/hostnames needs to be corrected. Azure, Google and SCIM Gateway to be configured. smtp also needs to be configured for sending mail e.g. mfa user registration. There are a lot of PlugSSO configurations not included in this example file (using defaults). For full configuration overview, please see the Configuration document.
See simular use case testing at: Test PlugSSO online
Plug-Back Failover
Follow these steps if we already have a runnig Plug-Back primary server and want to install additional Plug-Back servers for load balancing and failover.
- mkdir /opt/plugsso
- mkdir /opt/plugsso/plug-back
- copy the plug-back binary to /opt/plugsso/plug-back
- chmod 755 /opt/plugsso/plug-back/plug-back
- cd /opt/plugsso/plug-back
- export PLUGSSO_PLUGBACK_CLUSTERNODES=ip-address-to-primary-plug-back-or-fqdn
- Start Plug-Back:
- plug-back will now be started, but configuration (config/config.yaml) and database (db/plugsso.db) can’t be found and will therefore be be downloaded from primary Plug-Back according to environment setting PLUGSSO_PLUGBACK_CLUSTERNODES. Note, environment for username, password and cluster_nodes must be correct according to primary plug-back configuration. In case startup fails, check log/plug-back.log for fatal/error messages. When we later on change configuration (and required restart), the version configuration should be increased e.g. from 0 to 0.1 to ensure new configuration will be automatically synchronized to plug-front and plug-back cluster nodes.
Plug-Front installation sequence:
- mkdir /opt/plugsso
- mkdir /opt/plugsso/plug-front
- copy the plug-front binary to /opt/plugsso/plug-front
- chmod 755 /opt/plugsso/plug-back/plug-front
- cd /opt/plugsso/plug-front
- export PLUGSSO_PLUGFRONT_BACKEND_BASEURLS=https://ip-address-to-primary-plug-back-or-fqdn:9091
- Start Plug-Back:
- Plug-Front will now be started, configuration will be downloaded from Plug-Back according to environment setting PLUGSSO_PLUGFRONT_BACKEND_BASEURLS. Note, environment for username, password and baseurls must be correct according to plug-back configuration. In case startup fails, check log/plug-front.log for fatal/error messages. Configuration file config/config.yaml may also be edited/corrected regarding base_urls, password, username and log.level (but will be overridden by any environment settings). After successful startup and download, the config/config.yaml base_urls and version will be updated based on plug-back configuration. When configuration file is in place, environments are not needed unless we want to override what is defined in the file. Plug-Front configuration will be automatically updated when configuration becomes updated on one of the plug-back servers. The version number in this file will correspond with version number defined at plug-back configuration and we then can verify that Plug-Front is up-to-date. username, password and log.level will not be overwritten by plug-back configuration.
Note, installation creates
folders having files used by the pre-logion authentication user interface. These files and templates may be modified according to your need, and existing files will not be overwritten by plug-front startup.
Nginx reverse proxy needs to be installed preferably on the same server as Plug-Front.
For download and installation of Nginx please see: Linux
and Windows
Example Ubuntu installation:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nginx
Basics linux:
sudo systemctl status nginx
sudo systemctl start nginx
sudo systemctl stop nginx
sudo systemctl reload nginx
sudo systemctl restart nginx
Basics windows:
start nginx.exe
nginx -s stop
nginx -s reload
Configuration file:
Windows: `path-nginx`\conf\nginx.conf
Linux: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Configuration example: See Configuration - Nginx
SCIM Gateway
SCIM Gateway can be used for customized authentication and authorization logic
For installation see: SCIM Gateway
For configuration see: PlugSSO SCIM Gateway
Automatic startup
Automatic Plug-Back startup on Linux
- create service file: vi /etc/systemd/system/plug-back.service
- Activate start on server boot:
sudo systemctl enable plug-back
Basics plug-back:
sudo systemctl start plug-back
sudo systemctl restart plug-back
sudo systemctl stop plug-back
Automatic Plug-Back startup on Windows
Start Windows Task Scheduler (taskschd.msc), right click on “Task Scheduler Library” and choose “Create Task”
General tab:
Name = Plug-Back
User account = SYSTEM
Run with highest privileges
Triggers tab:
Begin the task = At startup
Actions tab:
Action = Start a program
Program/script = c:\plugsso\plug-back\plug-back.exe
Settings - tab:
Stop the task if runs longer than = Disabled (greyed out)
- Right click task - Run, verify process plug-back.exe can be found in the task manager (not the same as task scheduler). Also verify logfiles
- Right click task - End, verify process plug-back.exe have been terminated and disappeared from task manager
- Reboot server and verify Plug-Back have been automatically started
Automatic Plug-Front startup on Linux
- create service file: vi /etc/systemd/system/plug-front.service
- Activate start on server boot:
sudo systemctl enable plug-froont
Basics plug-front:
sudo systemctl start plug-front
sudo systemctl restart plug-front
sudo systemctl stop plug-front
Automatic Plug-Front startup on Windows
Start Windows Task Scheduler (taskschd.msc), right click on “Task Scheduler Library” and choose “Create Task”
General tab:
Name = Plug-Front
User account = SYSTEM
Run with highest privileges
Triggers tab:
Begin the task = At startup
Actions tab:
Action = Start a program
Program/script = c:\plugsso\plug-front\plug-front.exe
Settings - tab:
Stop the task if runs longer than = Disabled (greyed out)
- Right click task - Run, verify process plug-front.exe can be found in the task manager (not the same as task scheduler). Also verify logfiles
- Right click task - End, verify process plug-front.exe have been terminated and disappeared from task manager
- Reboot server and verify Plug-Back have been automatically started